3 Wed
APO Training of Trainers on Developing Future-ready Agribusiness Social Enterprises
APO Training of Trainers on Developing Future-ready Agribusiness Social Enterprises
Mar 3 all-day
The training aims to: a. Introduce the concept of social enterprises (SEs) and how they contribute to the agribusiness sector; b. Learn about innovative supply chain models as a critical component of SEs in the continue reading : APO Training of Trainers on Developing Future-ready Agribusiness Social Enterprises
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1:00 pm Training of Trainers on Developing Future-ready Agribusiness Social Enterprises
Training of Trainers on Developing Future-ready Agribusiness Social Enterprises
Mar 3 @ 1:00 pm – Mar 4 @ 12:00 am
Training of Trainers on Developing Future-ready Agribusiness Social Enterprises
The Training of Trainers aims to introduce the concept of social enterprises (SEs) and how they contribute to the agribusiness sector. It will help the participants to learn about the innovative supply chain models as continue reading : Training of Trainers on Developing Future-ready Agribusiness Social Enterprises